There's a good chance my goals will fizzle out before February like they have for my last 30 laps around the sun... but this year is different.

This year I'm keeping track of my goals here, where I can't lie to myself about them.
The payday ¢hallenge costs five bucks per paycheck, and at least half of the money goes into a cash pot that we'll give to one of the players - this is our solution to the problem the pentagon can't fix (and wouldn't give us money for...) but I digress. Play ball!
Do you have a goal for 2023?
0%A. Yes, It’s clear cut
0%B. Yes, sort of
0%C. Nope, my parents are rich
0%D. Nope, It’ll be fiiiiiine
To growth! 💪
Promo code: freelancefriends - to play the first pay period for free!