Happy Thursday, killers
Whether you're a POG, or a grunt.
Whether you're a vet, or poolee.
Whether you're a Private or a Colonel.
Whether you're her boot, or his flop - you're a perfect pair with freelcpl.
We love you just the way you are, you drunken isle of misfit bastards.
Anyways, tell your doody that tonight is a general clean up. The Smaj passed it at the very end of the safety stand down and most of the unit missed it, but it's true - Gomez was there and he heard it too.
Did you make this week’s spending goal?
0%A. Yes! I bet on KC 🏈
0%B. Yes, I had money left over
0%C. Yes, I met my goal
0%D. No, I went a bit over this week

I dropped the ball on the payday challenge for Feb 15-30, but have a graduate student making improvements to the current program. Keep an eye open for updates!