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Join date: Dec 4, 2020
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I enlisted out of a trailer in Georgia when I was 17. I did 5 years with the Gunfighters as a Huey Crew Chief and EASd as a Lance in 15’.
- Beta TesterAn Original Member of the initial Pilot Study - 2022.
- 🧠💡📈“I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious” - Albert Fucking Einstein
- USMC🪩247Marine Corps Ball Budget 2022 Winners of the 2022 USMC Ball Comp.
- EA$ Plan CompleteYou don't know what life will throw at you, but you've prepared as best you can.
- GuildHas claimed $30 on the Guild App using promo code: FreeLCPL
- Early AdopterOne of the first 30 subscribers! You're a salty OG
- 300 ClubThe OG's. The early adopters that helped shape Freelance Corporal into what it is.
Brandon Childers
Beta Tester
EA$ Plan Complete
Early Adopter
300 Club
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