Background: In late 2014 a Major General visited Camp Pendleton and required thousands of the marines under his command to watch the classic 90s film “pay it forward” - insisting it taught compassion that anyone could benefit from understanding. (Weird flex, but I dig it)Questions: Will Space Marines be required to watch Star Wars as a basic training standard? If so, how many episodes? What type of training mechanisms will be used to mentally equip astronauts sent into unfamiliar environments that differs from earthly operations. What type of additional ROE considerations apply to service members sent off of our home planet? Is the overall focus exploratory? Defensive? Humanitarian? What is the mission of the space force, and how so enlisted astronauts(?) fit into it? What kind of research has been conducted on the camouflage properties of a vacuum? Are we sure that the uniforms will intimidate aliens, or will it be another blue cami flop like the navy’s smurf mistake? What will the jacket game look like? Will there be grooming requirements? What’s the policy for addressing a senior officer in a 0 gravity setting? Will the space force be a flatter, more egalitarian organization than the hierarchy found on earth based military organizations?
Yooo, This is awesome! I’ll have my thinking cap on