Ladies and Gentlemen,
Officers and Staff,
In case you missed MARADMIN 459/22 today, it pertains to a new Financial Well Being Assessment by the Office of Financial Readiness. It just so happens that I emailed their director, Mr. Andy Cohen, our pilot study data last week and requested a meeting. He responded and said they’re reviewing the research!!
Now, my hunch is that you wallet slayers are going to have a high baseline average for this little quiz they’ve put together. I took it this afternoon and got a 51/60, and it only takes a minute and a half to do.
Could you do me a big favor and go take it, and either vote, comment, or DM me your score?
I’ll give you 10 bonus raffle tix for the robe this Thursday if you do 🤝
It would be really helpful in this report I’m putting together, which I’ll have some announcements on later this week.
Link to assessment:
(Click the yellow box)
What is your Financial Well Being Score?
0%55 or above